
Ripley: We were brought to the planet by what our company has told us, and Kane went into this strange ship that we have found there/ But when he came back he had something attached to his face, some kind of parasite. We tried to take it off but it wouldn't come off, but soon it sort of came off all by itself and died. Kane seemed fine, we were all having dinner. I don't know what but that thing must have layed something inside his throat some kind of embryo. Because he was... um he was...
Vasquez: Look, man. I only need to know one thing. Where they are?

Ripley: Get away from her, you *bitch!*

Ripley: [referring to the doll] Look, no bad dreams there.
Newt: Ripley, she doesn't have bad dreams because she's just a piece of plastic.

Newt: My mommy always said there were no monsters - no real ones - but there are.
Ripley: Yes, there are, aren't there?
Newt: Why do they tell little kids that?
Ripley: Most of the time it's true.

Ellen Ripey
Aliens (1986)
Director: James Cameron

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